Ready to get chilled, take time out for YOU and spend time reflecting, connecting and strategising too?

To be first in line to snag one of the few spaces when we open doors, enter your details below:👇

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19-21 MAY 2025

Ready to get chilled, take time out for YOU and spend time reflecting, connecting and strategising too?

Secure your space right now for just £500+vat (with the balance to be paid 8 weeks before we go)...


As individuals and business owners we all LOVE a bit of escapism.  Time to be us. NOT 'Mum'. NOT 'The CEO'. NOT 'The wife, The parent, the sister, the daughter'. JUST US.

Retreats can give us just that. The opportunity to step away from it all and focus on our businesses, and ourselves. 

But SO MANY retreats cram so much into such little time.

❌ Multiple workshops, or talks to listen to.
❌ Must attend group activities and mandatory 'fun'.
❌ Awkward and forced 'introduce yourself and tell us your problems' sessions.
❌ Endless lists of actions to work on once we are back - and its flipping overwhelming.
❌ You walk away more tired and overwhelmed than when you arrived 
I should know - I have been on 5 business retreats in the last 2 I know a thing or two about what works, and what needs to change.
I am so ready to flip things around and slloooooooow it down so we focus instead on connection, reflection and REAL strategy...the kind that only comes from taking real time out.

Introducing the ReTreat.
The perfect balance of chill, fun and business development.

Think the most UN-businessy business retreat EVER.
Oh, and in a sunny location (because we ALL need more Vitamin D!)

Coming w/c 19 May 2025
Sounds fun...I'm in!

Set with the beautiful backdrop of Croatia next May, we'll be treated to a luxurious venue, sumptuous food and some amazing experiences that you can do or not do...whatever floats your boat!


Each day there will be a business focused interactive activity (to tangibly move you forward with your business), followed by lunch, and a group activity and/or chill out time by the pool.


Plus, you'll be surrounded by an intimate group of the most fabulous fellow business owners so you can build your network, make new friends and support each other at a deep level!


It doesn't matter what type or level of business you have...taking time out for YOU is an ESSENTIAL part of your business success.

During your time on the Re-treat you'll get the opportunity to:


Knackered from running your business and doing all the things like a hamster on the treadmill? I hear you - we can take time out to re-energise ourselves, and our passions for our businesses.


To know how to best go forward, we need to look back. Reflecting on what works well, what isn't serving us and what needs tweaking is a core part of business growth.


Remember little old you at the beginning of your business journey? So full of ideas, hopes and dreams?  It's time to rewind and go back there - to tune back into that passion for your business and your life.


Sometimes all we need to move forward is to re-calibrate and remember how the balance of our life should look - we'll take the time to do that together.


COVID was pants in so many ways. One of the big impacts it had on us was a lack of interaction with other humans. Let's put an end to that and reconnect with our people!  Warning, there may be hugs.


Want to feel like a brighter, better version of yourself?  Taking time out to do what you want and need WILL leave you renewed in every area of your life. It's time to put YOU first.

And did I mention that business retreats are tax deductible??

Plus, you'll also walk away with tangible and actionable businessy stuff that will help you create more happiness, revenue and freedom in the easiest way!

(and don't worry, there will be good food and there WILL be (optional) wine!)

Secure your space now with a deposit (balance to be paid 8 weeks before):

Yes! Secure my space!

And you'll get the chance to learn from and connect with our amazing guest speakers & experts.

Already confirmed are:

Georgina Nestor
Fearless Words

Copywriter & Brand Voice Expert

Amanda Hutchinson
AK Branding Stories

Brand Photographer & Visual Assets Expert

Katie Godfrey
KG Business Mentor & KG Professional

Beauty Expert & Entrepreneur

Laura Weeden
Cue Virtue

Social Media & Visibility Expert

Plus some super secret others...




2025 ReTreat


Secure your space with a £500+vat deposit

  • An epic non-businessy business retreat (that is tax deductible)

  • Daily lunch & refreshments

  • An epic location in beautiful Croatia

  • VIP Dinner 

  • Expert guest speakers

  • Surprise activity

  • The opportunity for a brand photo shoot in a luxury location

  • Time out for YOU


Got questions?  Great! I have answers...

Alright you with me? Save your space today...

Yup, let's do this...